Monday, April 28, 2008
in the middle of the night...
fibularis [longus, brevis] tibialis anterior, extensor [digitorum, hallusis] longus, tibialis posterior, flexor [digitorum, hallucis] longus, gastroniminus, soleus, plantaris, fibularis tertius, politeus
flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, abductor digiti minimi, quadratus plantae, lumbricals, flexor hallucis brevis(obelik and transverse), adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi brevis, dorsi interossei, plantar interossei, extensor digitorum brevis.
[greater, lesser] trochanter, head, neck, shaft, intertrochanter line, linear aspera, gluteal tuberosity, [medial, lateral] epicondyles, [medial, lateral] condyles,
[medial, lateral] epicondyle, tuberosity of tibia, interossious line, medial malleous, vertical line, soleal line.
head, medial crest, anterior border, interosseous border, lateral malleous, posterior border, anterior surface, posterior surface, interosseous membrane.
calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuniform (medial, intermidiate, lateral), cuboidal, metatarsal [I - V] phalanges [distal, middle, proximal]
iliofemoral lig, pubofemoral lig, ischiofemoral lig, [anterior. posterior] cruciate ligament, [medial, lateral] collateral ligament, [superior, inferior] extensor retinaculum, [superior, inferior] flexor retinaculum.
femoral N ( L2,3,4) obturator N ( L2,3,4)
sciatic N (L4,5 & S1,2,)
tibial N (L4,5,& S 1,2,3,)
common fibular (L4,5, & S,1,2,)
superficial fibular (L4,5, & S1)
deep fibular (L5, & S1,2)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
glenelg 16/04/08)
this the board where if you fish, u bring your fish to measure.... fish that is smaller than permited is needed to be thrown back into the sea.... thoe bigger ones.... bawak balik makan lerrr....
see how smart people are.... putting a common ATM machine outside a pokies... pokies is another words for gambling shops... btw.. its all over adelaide..
this is one of the famous ice cream shops... there
going home... yupp we went there by train.... 20 minutes ride to and back.....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
mid holidays
why am i so hardworking spending my holiday morning in the library?? coz i have to finish a
yeah... i am currently in the middle of my holidays... i really did enjoy my 1st week... more on relaxing and waiting for the time to pass. went to a beach thou... will try to upload those pics when i get them later... i went on a day where the temperature is at about 23 degrees max. the sand is basically cold and the ocean water is colder. i spend the whole afternoon there without sweating. now i can really understand why ang moh can sun bath for hours at the beach. they wont feel hot at all!!!! its really enjoyable to go to the beach. oh... i have now officially step foot into the Indian ocean!!! all previous seas i went to will be, south china sea, and also the melaka straits.
there are 3 beaches here, henley beach, glenelg and long beach. beaches here is clean and filled up with locals, and the locals keep them clean!!!! but there are no hermit crabs here.. not like the one in KK, where my friends and me hunt and torture (eek..) about 250(or more) hermit crabs by placing them in a cola bottle and shake.... hahahha.. i think some died.. =x ANYWAY.... from what i heard, there are CRABS here... not hermit crabs anymore. will be looking forward for crabbing activities soon. muahahahah.. crabs beware.. orange is here...... *evil grin*
*stomach growling*
alrite.. my body has been in post-absorptive state for too long... need to put in food in order to function well again... damn aircon... why r u so cold today... brrr....
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
sail of the ship.....
there are millions and millions of ships to be discover in this world. some of them in the rivers, some in ponds and others in seas and oceans. some has a thick hull, while other has a thin one. some made of wood, while other is made of steel. some is elegant, some is pretty, a few might be round in shape, and most of the rest is just pure common like yours and mine. but nevertheless, all of this are ships by nature.
like a ship, this ship needs fuel, efforts, and thought to make it go further. it can't be anchored at a particular harbour and stay there forever (port tax are expensieve). as a ship, it has to sail, explore the horizon, to see the other worlds, meet up with other ships, share their cargo, and help the needed. at times, they will have to stop by places to refuel and restock their needs. lead by only a captain in the room, he will make all the decisions and whether to keep the ship sailing, or abandon the whole ship. but given the ship similar to the captain's life, abandoning the ship will only be last resort.
these ships might sail in a fleet, or just sail by their own. and of course, no ships escape the scariest storms, nor miss to witness the beauty of a rainbow after the rains. a smooth sea never make skillful mariner but a rough one might sink your further. if during the course of your journey, u meet up with threats, or problems, or you are lonely, grab your radio and call for others. and with this world so huge, many other ships will sail by and offer a life line, or maybe form a fleet with you. who knows?? it might save your ship as well as your own life.
these ships comes with different sizes and carry different cargo. the size will reflect on how well you do while the cargo will reflect on what kind of person you are. some might drive a huge ship but with an empty cargo, which is waiting to be fill or just being rob off everything. some of them has a cargo full of greed, hate, and selfishness. while others might row a boat, but fill with joy, humbleness and love. some might come with both while others might vary with a mixture of good and bad. surprisingly there is no weight limit in this cargo. and the captain can fill as much as he wants. of course the choice of the cargo is up to the captain himself. and as he meet up with other ships, he will share his cargo with them with or without his own knowledge. and at the end of time, all this cargo will then reflect on the captain himself like he sees his own reflection in the clear blue water as he stands at the nose of this ship. whether he is alone?? or has a whole other ships sailing by him.
i had got my ship ready, the decks are clean, the cargo is to be shared. orders of anchors to be raised and engines has been started. i am ready. ready to discover the new seas, to meet new ships, and to form a new fleet. i carry [i hope not..] no ill intention nor evil thoughts. i want to see the world. i want to sail to the land far far away ( and meet up shrek? =P). but the most important of all, i want to meet you, and your ship. and i believe when we meet, we will have great times together. for my old fleet, although our ships are sailing on a different destination, but we will for sure and a must to meet up again some day soon. or maybe one day, if you see my ship sail past you, blow your horn, send me a radio message, and i will surely blow my horn back twice louder than yours =)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
previous week had past quite slowly.. didn have much drive to study as the brain has already move forward to the holz. something interesting is, i earn my 1st pay in aussie already.. 30 AUD cash in 1 and a half hours!! don't belive?? haha.. here is how, over here in aussie, there are many university permenant head damage (pHd) students doing lots of experiments as their research. and what they need are samples, or speciments, or what i call, 'lab rats'. so... they will post notice all over the campus asking for volunteer to help them. funny thing is volunteers here are being paid. hahaha. SO... the curious orange(me) join a headache research experiment where they will stress you up with maths sums and letter arrangemnts and then rate your stress level and muscle tenderness in your head and neck. and also rate your pain tolerence. so.. for me, which i have no headaches(unless being deprive from morning coffees) i pass fairly well, but i must say, the maths sums are not easy... especially i am so use to the calculator now.. haha.. the whole process takes about 2 hours.. and at the end, you will recieve 30 AUD CASH!! how fun.. 15 AUD per hour.. hahaha...
there are also other test like, 'pork study', 'sleep research' protein on muscle thingy... from time to time you will see all this being posted all over uni, even in the toilet. although this is a good way of getting good money, i do not recomend any test that involve any taking of medicine orally or intraveinously. its kinda risky especially a healthy body takes something still on trial.. which is not proven working or un-harmful to the body. there are cases that also, i think although its a good way of earning good money, its better for a person to go with a mind of helping the permenant head damage guy to do his/her research than getting the money. BUT.. nevertheless, it was a wonderful experience and i will be looking forward to more test in the future... don't worry people, the orange will make sure the orange stays as an orange....
badminton racket average quality = RM 35
shuttle cocks good quality = RM 50 for about 2 badminton session (shared by 8 t0 10 people)
courts for rent (by taking the most expensieve one) = RM 11 per hour
membership fee (being charge by vincent) = average RM 20 per month... also depending on the times we play. (this is to pay for the shuttlecorks and his 'wife' petrol...) =P
to start will be at the cost of at about RM 50. and after that monthly will be at RM 20 average.
here is what i have to pay in aussie here if i join the badminton club...
rackets average = 30 AUD
membership fee = 40 AUD
cost of 10 sessions = 20 AUD
shuttlecocks = provided by club
so... total cost at the begining is AUD 90 dollars for 10 sessions. and in addition of 20 AUD for the next to sessions. Soooo.... shall i join?? i hands are getting itchy by the minute!!! >.<
Saturday, April 5, 2008
the orange ~ weekly
internet here runs on a very different system. where the bytes are counted for the plan you use. so.. if u are using a 20Gb broadband service plan. after when you have finish the quota then u will have only 56kb/s internet line. =.= Anyhow, if being use for normal surfing, new reading blogging, blog reading etc etc.. its okay.. but youtub-ing, crunchyroll-ing, and series and manga dl-ing will suck up your quota like a black hole. hmmm... its okay with me.. since i don't do much dl-ing anyway.. but the internet broadband here is damn fast... so so so much faster than the 'slowmyx' back in malaysia
this a picture taken from adelaide northen lights festival. isn't it beautifu;?? this picture can be taken at night only as the buildings are painted by lights by a projector... and every 5 minutes, the colors will change to another design... very very pretty.... =)
autumn is coming.. trees are turning yellow by the day... the colors are not that clear yet.. will have more autumn pictures in a day or two... hehehe...
notice the big square there?? thats adelaide city.... and i am currently in the north part. this is taken from mount lofty.. haha.. 1 of the highest points in adelaide... notice how flat is adelaide?? comparing to malaysia?? hahaha