Monday, April 28, 2008

in the middle of the night...

poas major, poas minor, iliacus (iliopoas), rectus femoris, vastus [lateralis, intermedius, medialis] adductor [magnus, longus, brevis], gluteus [maximus, medius, minimus] piriformis, satorius, gracilis, obturator foramen, pectineus, semi-tendenosus, semi-membranosus, biceps femoris (long head, short head), obturator internus, obturator externus,

fibularis [longus, brevis] tibialis anterior, extensor [digitorum, hallusis] longus, tibialis posterior, flexor [digitorum, hallucis] longus, gastroniminus, soleus, plantaris, fibularis tertius, politeus

flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, abductor digiti minimi, quadratus plantae, lumbricals, flexor hallucis brevis(obelik and transverse), adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi brevis, dorsi interossei, plantar interossei, extensor digitorum brevis.

[greater, lesser] trochanter, head, neck, shaft, intertrochanter line, linear aspera, gluteal tuberosity, [medial, lateral] epicondyles, [medial, lateral] condyles,

[medial, lateral] epicondyle, tuberosity of tibia, interossious line, medial malleous, vertical line, soleal line.

head, medial crest, anterior border, interosseous border, lateral malleous, posterior border, anterior surface, posterior surface, interosseous membrane.

calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuniform (medial, intermidiate, lateral), cuboidal, metatarsal [I - V] phalanges [distal, middle, proximal]

iliofemoral lig, pubofemoral lig, ischiofemoral lig, [anterior. posterior] cruciate ligament, [medial, lateral] collateral ligament, [superior, inferior] extensor retinaculum, [superior, inferior] flexor retinaculum.

femoral N ( L2,3,4) obturator N ( L2,3,4)
sciatic N (L4,5 & S1,2,)
tibial N (L4,5,& S 1,2,3,)
common fibular (L4,5, & S,1,2,)
superficial fibular (L4,5, & S1)
deep fibular (L5, & S1,2)


Anonymous said...

wth is this?

sounds like foreign language to me.

are aliens trying to communicate with you? =P

eh, if they try to invade the earth and destroy it ah, please take me with you if they have some sort of a pact to let you live, k? =P

haha. good luck btw. it really sounds hard. =)

Anonymous said...


I concluded that......

I have no idea what the **** r u writing here....

Poor Chicken Little.....

Try not to kill too much Alien if they come in peace....^^


s1m said...

I know waht the heck they are.. Disaster of mine for last yr..! Membunuh cells otak ku..