Saturday, April 12, 2008


cant really imagine that i have already been studying half of the semester. and now.. HOLIDAYS!! 2 weeks break of all lectures, practicals, tutorials, sandwich lunches, long breaks between classes bla bla bla..... BUT... 2 assignments and 1 anatomy test to prepare.. =.=" oh well, its nice to have this holidays here, good enough for me to catch up with all my stuff.. i am being slightly behind and slightly off course (eek..). long live holidays!!! 16 days to go.... hehehhe
previous week had past quite slowly.. didn have much drive to study as the brain has already move forward to the holz. something interesting is, i earn my 1st pay in aussie already.. 30 AUD cash in 1 and a half hours!! don't belive?? haha.. here is how, over here in aussie, there are many university permenant head damage (pHd) students doing lots of experiments as their research. and what they need are samples, or speciments, or what i call, 'lab rats'. so... they will post notice all over the campus asking for volunteer to help them. funny thing is volunteers here are being paid. hahaha. SO... the curious orange(me) join a headache research experiment where they will stress you up with maths sums and letter arrangemnts and then rate your stress level and muscle tenderness in your head and neck. and also rate your pain tolerence. so.. for me, which i have no headaches(unless being deprive from morning coffees) i pass fairly well, but i must say, the maths sums are not easy... especially i am so use to the calculator now.. haha.. the whole process takes about 2 hours.. and at the end, you will recieve 30 AUD CASH!! how fun.. 15 AUD per hour.. hahaha...
there are also other test like, 'pork study', 'sleep research' protein on muscle thingy... from time to time you will see all this being posted all over uni, even in the toilet. although this is a good way of getting good money, i do not recomend any test that involve any taking of medicine orally or intraveinously. its kinda risky especially a healthy body takes something still on trial.. which is not proven working or un-harmful to the body. there are cases that also, i think although its a good way of earning good money, its better for a person to go with a mind of helping the permenant head damage guy to do his/her research than getting the money. BUT.. nevertheless, it was a wonderful experience and i will be looking forward to more test in the future... don't worry people, the orange will make sure the orange stays as an orange....
Man... sports here is is so so expensieve!!! i am dying to join the badminton club, but then.. lets make a comparison here. in malaysia.
badminton racket average quality = RM 35
shuttle cocks good quality = RM 50 for about 2 badminton session (shared by 8 t0 10 people)
courts for rent (by taking the most expensieve one) = RM 11 per hour
membership fee (being charge by vincent) = average RM 20 per month... also depending on the times we play. (this is to pay for the shuttlecorks and his 'wife' petrol...) =P
to start will be at the cost of at about RM 50. and after that monthly will be at RM 20 average.
here is what i have to pay in aussie here if i join the badminton club...
rackets average = 30 AUD
membership fee = 40 AUD
cost of 10 sessions = 20 AUD
shuttlecocks = provided by club
so... total cost at the begining is AUD 90 dollars for 10 sessions. and in addition of 20 AUD for the next to sessions. Soooo.... shall i join?? i hands are getting itchy by the minute!!! >.<
raise anchor, full speed ahead...... coming soon...

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