Thursday, June 28, 2007

the comparing syndrom

i belive most of you have heard words like 'better', 'worst' fatter', thinner' ect. ect. all of this words have a point in common. we use this words when we compare something or someone with something else. am i right?

we came into this world of never ending comparison where people compare one to the other things. people strive to be the better ones and the best will get all gratitudes and praise. while the good ones will be push a side. what about the bad ones?? and also the worst ones?? where they stand?? coming to the point, we are creatures of comparison. we compare things to other things. we compare overselves to other people. people close to us compare us to other humans. and of course we cannot escape this treatment of comparing. lets name this 'the-comparing-syndrom' (TCS)

what is so serious with this syndrom u may ask. here is the answer. lets start when we just came out to this world. i belive that many of us have heard ' this baby is cutter than the other' or 'this is more cheerful than the other' am i correct?? hmm... don't make much sence now right?? lets fast forward to the time where comparing is really a pain in some of our life. erm.. teenage years?? the fat wants to be thin and the short wants to be tall. the smart will compare themselves to the smarter ones and always there will be a fight to be the smartest. some end well and some dosn't

so what is the source of this TCS?? i don't really have the answer. but i can give a point of my own. the source is the way we are brought up. do i ring any bells?? have u ever heard parents compare their child to other child? how good they are, or how behave they are? as the child grow older, the child accademic results will be the comparing tool for the parent. and of course questions like "why people can be so smart and u cannot??". this of course happens to parents comparing siblings together. parents like to compare their child to others. and when the child can't reach their expectations, its either the good or bad will happen.

i just don't get a point here. everyone likes to be the best in my field in what ever they doing including me. but the people who compare always things that we havn't achive our best. no matter how hard we try, there is always someone better. so what are we going to do?? hide in a conner?? we still have to live on right?? why people keep comparing one with another?? is the smarter always the better?? take hitler for example, i belive he is a smart and a superb leader. but what the world think of him now?? an evil person right?? not all smart persons are good. don't get me wrong that i am NOT saying being smart is not good.

no matter how much i say, we still can't escape from this TCS. we can compare when its suitable and try not to compare people who is at their very best. because without the good there will be no better and no best. and without the worst there will be no bad. don't u agree??

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