Tuesday, May 20, 2008

time of our life??

surprisingly it has move into the 4th week after my 2 weeks break.. which means another 5 more week till my 1st exams. sometimes i really wonder why time flies so fast. so fast till that we didn realise whats going on and the next thing we know it will be already in history. some of us say 24 hours isn't enough. while research shows that we are fitting about 30+ hours( i forgot the exact number) while the earth circles the sun once. thats like another 8 bonus hours.. how you may wonder??
youngsters nowadays are multitasking at almost every aspect in their life. they watch tv, listen to music, instant messaging on the computer while they are having breakfast. thats like doing 4 things at the same time. another example is some people will read a book while they sit on their throne doing their big business in the loo. that's 2 things together. or shouting into a wireless phone in the bathroom while bathing, or chatting while watching a movie in a different window. or classic example, drinking vodka, talking on the mobile phone, driving down the freeway and evading blaring siren and flashing lights behind(perfect recipe for disaster??). yet we still complain 24 hours is not enough to fuel all the activities we have in mind. i guess for the time being, the only thing i cant think of ways to multi task is when i sleep. who knows, maybe in the future, i will be blogging while i am sleeping.
people like me, still being young and high in stamina is still able to make a day with 6 hours of sleep. i did tried 4 hours before.. but i am staying at 6 at the time being. surprisingly, when i need more time, i sacrifices my sleep time. not my other leisure activity time, but i use the one of the most fundamental thing in life, my rest. i don't do gaming, no clubbing either nor not much other time wasting activities like staring at my computer screen watching drama's the whole day. and yes, i find watching what ever TVB dramas or bungalow MD, or desperate husbands or Lost or CSI madagascar created by mankind a big waste of time. so how do i survive a 4 hour sleep and still function as usual the next morning?? well, all thanks to a white, crystalline, bitter alkaloid, C8H10N4O2, usually derived from coffee or tea: used in medicine chiefly as a nervous system stimulant A.K.A caffeine.
time, as they say is as precious as gold, or at today's context, oil. aussie petrol price hit $AUD 1.60 per litter. dats like freaking RM 6.00 for the same amount of petrol to fill up a 1.25 coke bottle. (how much is malaysians paying for petrol??) like oil, once burn, its gone. and the bad news of time is, its never replaceable. not like oil, burned oil produce carbon dioxide, which is absorb by trees and bla bla bla.. you know the drill.. and in the end it become petroleum. putting the oil bit aside, time, burn time will be considered history. there is no repeating of history, and we cannot change history. many of times people say, we must make good use of our time. but how?? by doing something meaningful?? or like what beauty pageants say, 'for world peace'??
interestingly, people like me, that has a malfunction biological clock, which never recognise whats late and 'its-pass-your-bedtime' thing.. thinking how to fill up this time is stressful at times. not using the time profitably will cause a great sense of guilt building up in me. while using it profitably will have me looking for more things to do. yea yea.. kill me for having so much time around to waste if u want. some might say, go study!! while others answer.. 'go and sleep earlier lah'. both answers is not working at the current time. kinda sucks thinking about it. you can't sleep but you can't study either. sigh~ hey having too much time to waste is kinda stressful too.. knowing you should be doing something but don't know what exactly it is.
i have just spend about 20 minutes typing some kind of random time thing above and i wonder whether people understand this.. unwinding the brain is what this all about i guess, sounds emo, but i prefer to call this.. reflection time....

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