Monday, March 26, 2007

selective advantage...

just finish an 110 minutes long bio test paper... here is something related to this test.
dinner the night before bio test...

em: pigs are smart.(staring at the 'siu yuk' at the end of her chopstick) their fat and meat are in layers.

me: hmmm...(enjoying my rice.. looking at her struggeling to remove layers of fat from her 'siu yuk')

em: why cant they be just one thick layer of fat and one thick layer of meat and the skin??

me: erm.. maybe long ago there is pigs which have a single layer of fat and a single layer of meat. but humans kill them all as food. so species of pigs with single layer of fat n meat has selective disadvantage. When all the pigs with single layer of fat and single layer of meat being kill, there will only reminder those with alternate layers of fat and meat which is a selective advantage during that time. When humans discover everything later, the species with single layer of fat and single layer of meat has already extinct. reminder those with alternate layers of fat and meat. and the species with alternate layers of fat and meat is able to reach maturation age to reproduce... that's why now pigs all have multiple layers of fat n meat....

em: oOoooKKkkkkAAaaaaaYyyyyyy.............(-.-!!!)

this are symptoms of excessive bio disorder.... hmmm.. haha

p/s feeling better this few days.. :)


Anonymous said...

lol ... crapster cousin

Teresa said...

haha! omigosh!
u actually came up with a theory during dinner! hmmm... symptoms of over study ka?

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bunny said...

hahahaha...looks like i'm not the only one going bonkers over biology!!!same boat la us =p