Wednesday, January 2, 2008

random posting

"wenqi are you sick??"
"huh?? NoooOoo...."

Crap, i woke up late again today. 3 days in a row! and today the phone call that woke me up was from my boss. I AM STARTING WORK TODAY!!! oh man, the teaching skills that erm.. not proven useful had to be use again for the whole january!! NOooOOOoOOoooooooo

ahem.. its the 2nd day of 2007 2008. the new beginning, the new year. usually at this time, people will make new year resolutions. But that's for humans only. not for this orange here. keep telling myself that i will do this and i will do that its kinda pointless. like i said before, my plans tend to fail. So making resolutions is just the same as planing. so if my plans fail, so will my resolutions. quoted from a friend of mine,
"resolutions are useless. If you want to do it, just to it."
enough said.
according to charles darvin, evolution is the cause that there are so many different kinds of people. survival of the fittest and all those selective advantage and disadvantages had shape all living things in this world. so, 2nd quote of the day, thanks carol.
"evolution isn't perfect. If it is, humans will have wings and not wisdom teeth"
evolution has flaws and loop holes here and there. if its really flawless, there will not need scientist to have research on cloning and stem cell thingy.
Anyway, i am currently blank on what i am going to teach today. I still don't understand, why the parent trust my unproven, unrecognised and un-trust-able teaching and not go to a proven, recognise and trusted tuition teacher. sigh.. SCARY LA!!! [breath wenqi, breath......]
love and relationship has been a hot topic lately among all friends. maybe its always a hot topic. some say it comes naturally, some says you need to look for it. well, i guess i will wait for the natural one.. at least for the time being. maybe when i get to australia?? who knows right?? hahaha.. =)
ok then, time to enjoy Teresa's uploaded video on her blog.. be right back

nice video. very meaningful indeed. and the song is wonderful. I watch it 3 times =) to really get the whole meaning and the story[went to youtube to watch full screen]. I love the smoke effect through out the whole 9.57 minutes video clip. and does any one knows the song?? mind to send it to me?? or let me know the name so i can download myself?? thanks.
alright then, got to go and have some mental preparation ready. the new year with new life, new sight, new world but the old me =)

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