Wednesday, January 16, 2008


"Hey Roundoff you are back!"
"Yeah, hard day today. they made so much food today. and they poke me in everyone of them."
"hahaha, lucky you, that isn't a bad day. compare to poor ol' guy back there. all black and sore"
"Wow, what happen to him there?? "
"Lets just say he got a wrong Man. His 'Man' took use him as a frying pan to melt and blacken some sugar. After that, he got a bad scrub from 'the-Man', Although the sugar is gone, but the soot is still there...."
"What??!!?? MELTING SUGAR?? THATS THE WORST TREATMENT THAT CAN BE DONE TO US!!! scrubbing sugar off won't help a damn thing. Poor guy man, lucky me. How was your day??
"Me?? i was off today, remember?? hey.. do you think our job sucks big time?? "
"Well, sometimes. Especially when those 'MAN' can't use their brains right. But for me, most of the time, i was quite well treated. Although i got bitten by that 'Small Monster' but, that doesn't hurt too much comparing to my colleges that work for the 'MAN' himself..."
"wow, thats good, mine kinda sucks big time. they put me into hot boiling water for no reasons, and then swing me hard before i am use. i always get a bad headache after. Damn those 'MAN's."
"hahahaha, hey, at least we can enjoy good food right?? "
"Yeah right... as if we have tongue to do so. Did you know, when we are no more in use, we will be thrown out of the kitchen, into the garden?? or worst into the 'hell hole'???"
"Yeah.. i know. but as long as we can be use, most probably we will stay in service right??"
"Yeah.. By the way, where is Pointlus??"
"Pointlus?? the guy with 4 sticks sticking up his head?? He is a sad case.... he fell among the MAN's waste on the plate and then........"
"and then??"
"He was dropped into the 'hell hole' and never being seen since then........"
"Oh My Gosh... damn all those MAN... are they blind or what??
"Blind or not, they are just a piece of crap.... may they die in the 'hell hole' as well... "
"Okay then, i am going to call it a day now, i got to work when the 'bright light' comes.."
"Okay... see ya... "

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