Thursday, March 6, 2008


starting the day in malaysia (going to school)
~wake up
~clean self
~change clothes,
~get out of home to school
after school
~get on with life.
starting the day in adelaide (going to uni)
~wake up, switch to hybernation* mode if weather is cold.
*hybernation here means, the feeling of lazy to remove oneself off the bed due to some reasons exp: weather.
~ switch on computer and the internet
~ while loading, go clean self
~ prepare breakfast and sometimes lunch...
~ look for weather forecast. especially the max and the minimum temperature of the day
==> weather forecast plays an important role in the next step
~ think what to wear.. yes.. guys do think what to wear
==> wear the wrong clothes will cause one to freeze or get cook...
~ apply sunblock
~ apply lip balm
~ think what to bring out
==>things like a jacket... or a windbreaker... or maybe a cap
~ get out of house and to uni
after uni
~ think is there anything else to do before getting home...
==> shops close at 5 here....
~ bath
==> water temperature need to be adjusted to suit ones needs... if not cold shock down the spine or bright red patch will appear on the back
~ get on with life.

comparing it to life in malaysia... and as a person spending 18 years of his life in a tropical weather, how on earth he remembers to apply sunblock every single time he leave the house?? and applying moisturiser and lip balm is kinda alien to him... hahahaha.. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lip balm for orange? haha..