Tuesday, September 30, 2008

angels in disguise

as you leave your room right before you close the door, the bottle of water which you left at the edge of the table drop. you re-enter the room and while you pick up the bottle, you notice your house keys are on the table.

as you almost cross the road but you forgotten to wait for the traffic to stop, you saw something interesting on the ground. as you look towards the road again, a car zoom past you and you realise if you did not look on the ground, you will be hit by the car while crossing the road.

you had a rough day. you want to finish off the day by sleeping for the next 18 hours hopping everything will be okay once you wake up. right before you sleep, a old friend gives you a ring telling you that he/she is having a bad bad time as well. both of you talk about how bad things are and at the end, both of you feels that what ever that happens which made your day crap isn't that bad after all.

you walk to a traffic light where you need to cross the road. and every time you walk towards the traffic lights, the traffic lights will turn red and stop all cars giving you the green light to cross the road. every day, at the different hours... is this pure timing or something else??

as you were sitting right in front of the lecture hall, right before the lecturer enters, your phone ring loudly. your friend short message you asking you out for lunch. you quickly reply the message and you realise your phone is not in the silent mode. right after you change it to silent mode, the lecturer starts the lecture. in the middle of lecture, you recieve the phone call. if your friend didn't message you, your phone will be ringing in the middle of and everyone will be staring at you.

these are the 5 examples that i had encounter before which i couldn't stop thinking, why sometimes life is so amazing that as if there are someone protecting you even you cant see them around. some might say they are angels in disguise, some might say its just fate that u see them, or some might say they happen, without any explanations.

sometimes life gives us wonders that we can't explain. to those that believe in god, they might say god is guiding them in life. as for others, maybe the 'spirits' of their beloved stays with them, protecting them in anyway possible. as for others, they believe that this things happens for a reason beyond explanation. the feeling of the 1st situation where something made u turn back your original plan just to 'let-u-know' that u left something behind always gives me deeps thoughts.

as i am quite a forgetful person, these 'signs' didn't only happen once.. but quite a number of times where right after i leave my room or my front door, a sudden feeling of the urge that i need to go back into my room comes to me. and if i follow my 'feeling' somehow or rather, i would find something that i suppose to bring out on that day whether is my keys, my notes, or my over due library books. even if i am late and i am rushing out of the door these things will happen. is this the act of the sub-conscious mind or the act of the 'higher-powers"??

there are many stories saying that 'if i didn't went to somewhere sometime, i will be dead' kind of stories around. and always if i read them, i always wonder, why does it happen to 1 and not others?? why is he so special?? or are we saying that is not his fate that some thing good/bad will happen on him/her?? have you ever wonder why it happens??

as life moves on, we will all experience things that is very hard for us to explain. some might just take it as their lucky day or there are some signs from/for something/someone. as for me, i am just thankful that there are these tiny signs that could help me in making my day a better one.


Anonymous said...

Angels in disguise = human?

orange said...

maybe?? maybe not?? something i am looking out as well